Thursday, October 03, 2013

Published 7:48 AM by with 2 comments

Wednesday Wanderings: the NaNoWriMo Edition (late)

Whether you want to be a "pantser" or a "planner" this year, the web is full of online links that can be helpful for the aspiring novelist. Yes, that's right: National Novel Writing Month is a few weeks away! October is officially known as the planning stage for those who are interested in getting 50,000 words of a 1st-draft novel down onto paper or screen during the month of November. While you're not supposed to actually begin writing the story itself before November 1st, there is plenty you can do beforehand to help prepare yourself to leap into your novel. Here is a collection of links I am finding helpful!

Want to create a story that will keep readers reading?

Got thirty minutes? Outline the plot of your book!

Got sixty minutes? Outline the plot of your book!

Ask yourself these five questions when figuring out the plot of your story.

How about creating some characters for your story?

How about going completely crazy in-depth developing characters? (Warning: this way can make you a little bonkers, but it's very thorough!)

Ask your characters these forty-six questions to understand and develop who they are.

Ask your characters even MORE questions!

What are fifteen things a writer should never do?

Here's how to create external and internal conflict in your characters.

Want to write a story that will keep your readers completely captivated?

How will you start your novel when November 1st arrives? Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Here are some helpful ideas about writing real dialogue, not stuff that sounds like a robot is talking to Miss Manners.

We all want to write the next Les Miserables. Here are some ways you can make that happen!

Got writer's block? Follow this road map to get out of it and dive back in to your story!

Here is a bunch of reassuring, encouraging advice/tips from famous authors about writing a first draft of a story. Totally awesome.



mountain girl said...

Thanks so much for posting this, Lyssa! I am really excited to check this website out. I have been struggling to finish up the last few lessons of my Children's Literature course, and maybe this will help.

Lyssa said...

Awesome!!!! Super excited to hear that : D