Monday, August 25, 2014

Published 8:25 AM by with 0 comment

Currently I Am....

Listening... to Parov Stelar's album "The Princess". On repeat. Over and over and over. Mixed in with a little Prokofiev, because why not. Definitely going to look for a symphonic version with a better tempo than this recording, though.

Eating... watermelon, poached eggs on toast, gross boxed pasta, left-over jasmine rice, potstickers, and corn. Can you tell that I badly need to go grocery shopping?

Drinking... not nearly enough water. And sneaking sips of my sister's huge jug of sweet iced tea.

Wearing... all my favorite summer dresses to beat the St. Louis heat. With boots sometimes instead of sandals, when I'm channeling one of my favorite Miyazaki characters.

Wanting... my guitars to magically change their own strings, rather than me have to do it.

Needing... to return this library book that I desperately wish were mine.

Thinking... about how love can be such an incredible part of our stories.

Feeling... full of things that I want to write, hoping for that 25th hour of the day so I can sit down and write some of it, but also enjoying special moments with my Tiny, as she learns to stretch her wings.
