Sunday, March 15, 2015

Published 2:12 PM by with 1 comment


Speaking of secret messages yesterday? Here's what I read in a book of poetry this afternoon, as I was contemplating what it means to love the wideness and fullness and deepness of God. It feels sometimes like he is stretching the constellations of His love farther than we can see. What a dangerous, daring, baring, beautiful love he has for us.

Don't tell all of their 

They might
Count each other's moles
That reside in the shy

Then keep that tally strictly
To themselves.

God and I 
Have signed a contract 
To be even more intimate than 

Though a clause

Something about not drawing detailed maps 
To all His beautiful


~ Counting Moles by Hafiz, from The Gift

~ Prompt for March 14th: Constellation


Participating in Write Alm's March prompts, daily words as guides for writing down what is in my head and heart. Entries might be long, might be short, might be posted here on the blog, or shared on my Instagram account. Do join me and others in sharing our thoughts with these prompts! I love seeing what you write.



Anna Schafer said...

What a dangerous, daring, baring, beautiful love he has for us.executive sober living ny