Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Published 2:14 PM by with 0 comment


Welcome to October! Warm weather may still hang on for a little while longer, but autumn is certainly here, in the air, the night smells, the fading leaves.

Summer begins to meld into memories. I look back on everything these past few months brought. They have certainly changed me, for the better, I hope.

A particular piece of music always brings peace and thankfulness to my heart at this time of year. Do take a listen to it below. It fits right in with the first prompt for the beginning of October at Write Alm: Nostalgia. I was privileged to perform this piece in the video many years ago; you can hear me and my friend Catalina performing the duet at the beginning. This music has stayed close to me ever since then.

May you too look back on your summer with happiness and enjoy the changing of the seasons!
