Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Published 8:27 AM by with 0 comment

The -Ings of Life

Knitting a brand new pattern, the Seaglass Cowl created by Mamma4earth. My first time being a test knitter! 

Planning some exciting new projects, in writing, art, and yarn over the next few months!

Realizing that Harmony will throw a tantrum when she falls over not because she is in pain, but because she so much wants to walk like a big girl. 

Keeping my heart in Lent with the words of C.S. Lewis.

Drinking home-made hot chocolate as the weather continues chilly.

Reminding myself that a perfectly clean home isn't necessary for a happy baby.

Preparing for next week's annual recital with my students. Lots of practice, rehearsals, and coordination between teachers.

Enjoying these moments of quiet in the home before the day starts.

What have you been "-ing" lately?