My mom, friend H., and I began Susannah Conway's Unravelling the Year Ahead 2013 workbook together. Discussing the past highlights, challenges, strengths, and milestones of 2012 helped me see these past twelve months as part of the bigger picture. H. compared our lives to a tapestry, where we can often only see the underside of the work with a bunch of loose threads, crazy patterns, and seemingly random colors, but God can see the completed work on top. A beautiful picture. We didn't complete the workbook (it takes longer than the suggested hour to do, watch out!), so there will still be at least one more afternoon or evening devoted to it.
The three words I chose to describe 2012 are: Harmony, trust, and change.
If you used three words to describe your year, what would they be?
Of course, all our talk and thinking needed sustenance, in the form of my mom's delectable skillet apple pie. And caramel lattes and hot chocolate and Christmas tea, made by my step-dad. Mmmmmm.
~ Pie and Pondering ~ |
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