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Folks from my church went caroling in the neighborhood (my church is right smack in the middle of a residential neighborhood), so I put Harmony in the sling and enjoyed singing Christmas songs with everyone. People came out on their porches to listen to us. Afterwards, we all went over to a family's house for hot chocolate, treats, and fellowship. A beautiful night!
I lost a bet, though. My friend, Emmett, bet me that Harmony would fall asleep in the sling before the caroling was done. I said, "no way, she's way too excited, she loves music, she'll want to stay awake!" Lo and behold, she was out cold before we were half-way done. I only had a dollar in my pocket, but that dollar went to Emmett for winning the bet. Looks like he knows Harmony better than I do : P And Emmett is only nine years old! Smart kid.
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